5 fun months with this little guy! We are so thankful to have him in our lives.
Things he likes to do now:
*He is finally rolling over all the time from his belly to his back.
*He LOVES tummy time.
*While on his tummy he can push himself up completely on his hands and then scoot himself backwards.
*He can also hold himself up on his hands and tippytoes, doing a plank position.
*He tries to get up on his knees, but usually just ends up getting his bum in the air. It's really cute!
*He puts everything in his mouth...While at Kohls Rowan was in his carseat and I had my wallet sitting on top of his blanket. Somehow he got a receipt out of my wallet and was chowing down on it! When I took it away, he got a sad little face but recovered quickly when I gave him a more appropriate toy to put in his mouth.
*When I put him down, and he still wants to be held, he will hold his arms out for me and whine.
*He loves to laugh.
*He has been loving Christmas lights. He has a tree in his room and hill flip and flop himself so that he can see them. It's really frustrating when I'm trying to change a poopy diaper!
*He tried cereal for the first time 2 days ago. I was planning on waiting until 6 months before he had any solids, but he just wasn't staying full long enough with breastmilk. He absolutely LOVES it. He opens his mouth for me and even tries to grab the spoon and put it in himself. He was totally ready for cereal!
*He can stand up by himself while holding onto the couch or ottoman.
*He loves to talk and talk and talk!
*He also loves to spit and blow raspberries all the time! He will do it for so long that he ends up having spit all over his face.
*He thinks that peek-a-boo is pretty funny.
*He loves to smile at daddy's funny faces
*He is so sweet and snuggly in the morning.
*He is still sleeping in bed with me.
*He likes to be swaddled when he first falls asleep, but within 30 minutes his arms are free.
*He has found his screaming voice.
*He doesn't like to be alone, and will scream until you come back into the room.
*He got a jumparoo and absolutely LOVES it! He gets so proud when he's jumping.
I'm pretty sure this is the cutest face I've ever seen!