Thursday, July 2, 2009

37 Weeks

Rowan can come anytime now and he will be considered "Full Term" Hooray! We made it! I'm not expecting him to make his appearance anytime soon, but it's nice to know that he would be nice and healthy.
I don't have a doctors appointment this week because my Doc is out of town, but I do have one on Tuesday that will include an ultrasound =)
I'm SO ready to have this little boy here. It seems as the days pass I get more and more uncomfortable. I can't wait to not have to sleep on my side anymore! My hips do not appreciate my current sleeping positions. I am also sick of having to go to the bathroom all the time! It seems as soon as I go from a sitting to standing position I have to annoying! However, I figure all the "bad" stuff that comes with pregnancy is a small price to pay for what we get in return. Sometimes it's still hard to believe that we will have a baby in our home this month! That's if he is a good boy and doesn't decide to stay in until August!
I think I will pack our hospital bag today. I have Rowan's bag packed, but not ours. I'm also going to cook dinner in our solar oven. Hopefully we'll get enough sun to let it cook.
We don't really have plans for the 4th. We usually go to the Clearfield Fireworks by us, but I just don't think I'm up to it this year, so we'll probably spend the night at my mom's to get her house decorated for Sunday when they come home!
I think we'll do homemade ice cream and roast hot dogs and marshmallows in the parent's backyard. Derek said he thinks the fireworks will scare Rowan so he doesn't want to cute!

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