Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Baby!

I found out 2 weeks ago that we were expecting our first baby. I guess the Clomid really worked for us! I surprised Derek with a breakfast of baby pancakes and wrapped the pregnancy test in some baby bibs that said "My daddy is my buddy" and "Later I'm Downloading" He unwrapped them and looked at the pregnancy test and said "not pregnant" he didn't see the faint little line that I had seen so clearly a few hours before. I told him no, it's positive, we're pregnant! Needless to say he was ecstatic! I've taken about 4 pregnancy tests since then just to make sure I wasn't crazy, and sure enough they're still positive!
Last night we went to tell my parents. I had a suspicion that they knew already so I wanted to surprise them in a cute way. (My suspicion was wrong, well Kevan sort of knew) We doorbell ditched them and left a baby doll on the front porch with a note that said "If found please return to Janessa and Derek by July 2009. They're expecting me!" My mom answered the door while on the phone with my sister and was a bit baffled. After a minute she started screaming "I think Janessa's pregnant" We came out of hiding and she was jumping up and down for joy! Later my sister came over and we had a pizza party and played Rock Band.
We're telling Derek's family tonight. We have to bring dessert to dinner and I think I'm going to make cupcakes with pink and blue frosting to see if anyone gets it.
Our first doctors appointment isn't until Christmas Eve, I'll be 10 weeks. The wait seems so long. I've been feeling so-so. I've only thrown up once, I found out my tummy doesn't like juice in the morning. I feel nauseous when I'm hungry and then after I eat, so pretty much all the time. However, I wouldn't trade if for anything.
We're really excited for this next adventure in our lives!


Amber said...

Horray! That is such great news! I can't wait to see pictures of your cute belly and then your cute baby!

Whit said...

Congratulations Janessa!!!!! I'm soooo excited for you!!!