It's so hard to believe that Rowan is half way to being one! It has definitely been the most love filled 6 months of my life.
6 Month Stats:
Weight: 17 lbs 15 oz (52%)
Height: 26 inches (33%)
Head: 17.1 inches
At six months....
He can get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth
He can also get up on his hands and tippy toes, like he is doing a push up. He will hold it for about 30 seconds! He's going to be a strong boy!
He's very good at scooting backwards.
Is beginning to be able to sniper forward.
He loves to stick his tongue out.
Had his first haircut...we just cut enough so that it wasn't in his eyes! When combed forward it went all the way to the end of his nose!
Can say Dada, ahhh, ohhh, yaya, yeah, eeehh,
Drinks water out of a sippy cup
Tried peas for the first time and was not a big fan.
Had his first bout of a stomach virus! The poor little guy threw up 7x in 1 hour!
Loves to put anything and everything in his mouth
Loves to grab the skin on your face and pull on your lips, especially while he's falling asleep.
Hates it when you leave the room and he can't see you.
Changes hands while playing with toys.
Can catch himself from falling over while he's sitting up.
Can sit in a restaurant highchair like a pro.
LOVES the song Yellow Submarine. Most times if you sing it he will stop crying.
Enjoys taking baths with daddy. His favorite bath toy is the cup we use to rinse out his hair!
Is starting to imitate sounds that you make.
Can stand up and bounce while holding on to a chair or something similar.
Is starting to understand cause and effect when it comes to toys.
Loves playing peek-a-boo
We can't wait to see what the next 6 months have in store for him!
1 comment:
I love reading these posts!
You're the best Mom EVER!
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