Friday, August 5, 2011

7 weeks 2 days

Well, since Rowan is 2 now and I am not sure I will do monthly updates I decided pregnancy updates can take over :)

We found out we were pregnant on July 9th. I was in UT when I found out and text Derek a picture of Prego spaghetti sauce...get it...
We were both thrilled that it happened so quickly, the first month trying to be exact.

I told a few close friends right away but we waited to tell family until Rowan's party. We gave Rowan the Berenstain Bear Book called "The New Baby". Most people caught on right away, as we had told everyone that Rowan was opening a very special present but some people had to be told!

I have been feeling pretty crummy, but it could be worse. I have only thrown up once and mostly just been extremely nauseated. I also have no appetite and a lot of food aversions...especially to cookies which could have something to do with me cooking dozens and dozens of cookies for Rowan's party when I felt like I was going to lose my lunch!

We went to the doctor today and everything checked out great. We got to have an ultrasound and the baby measured perfectly. We also saw it's little heart flickering on the screen and even got to hear it. It was such a special moment to realize that we were indeed going to have another child. They also confirmed my due date of March 21, 2012.

Our kids will be 2 years and 8 months a part which is exactly what we wanted. It really couldn't be any more perfect :)