I think that this month Rowan has really turned from a baby into a toddler. He's such a funny and happy boy!
At 14 months Rowan...
-Is sleeping in his OWN ROOM in his OWN CRIB and ALL NIGHT long (and naps too)!!! This was a big transition for all of us, but it was much needed. As much as we all LOVED co-sleeping, Rowan just wasn't sleeping well anymore and was ready to have his own bed.
-Sleeps with his pillow, taggy blanket, and aquarium, and binki
-Can run, and things it's so funny to run away and hide when he tell him it's time do do something he doesn't want to do. Such as a diaper change.
-Tries to jump. He crouches down and then pops back up, his feet never leave the floor.
-Started walking backwards
-Has a deep love for cars or anything with wheels . When he plays with cars he will drive them around on the floor and makes a vroom sound.
-Also loves airplanes and will sign airplane whenever he hears one or sees one.
-New signs are thank you, airplane, dog, mom, grandma, car, bus, hat, bird, hot and cold
-New words are nack (snack), mik (milk), says "bye" very clearly now instead of just ba, cheese, walk, shoe, dat (that), wut (what), burr, and hot. He will also put two words together like bye dada or what's that.
-Loves to tell us whether things are hot or cold. He signs cold so cute and always says burr. If he see's me cooking something on the stove he will tell me hot or if he see's ice in a glass he will sign cold.
-He will point to things in books when you ask him where something is. He has the whole "things that go" page down in his First Words book!
-Started a new music class and will sing along to some of the songs on the cd. He also dances to them and claps when they are finished.
-Still gets so excited whenever any of his friends come over to play.
-Loves hats of all kinds. He thinks the hood on his bath towel is a hat and signs hat when getting out of the bath.
-Body parts he knows: tongue, hair, ears, (have known those since 12 months), belly, nose, feet
-Has gotten really good at figuring out how his toys work. He knows which buttons to push to make them work or make noise.
-Loves watching Baby Signing Time and will go to our bedroom door and start singing Baby, Baby while signing it. Sometimes he gets mad if we don't let him watch it.
-Likes to chew on his clothes...gross...
-Will leave sunglasses on
-Loves books, even more than before. He will sit and read with me for a good 30 minutes, especially if the books have cars or trucks in them. We now go to the library and check out books after story time on Thursdays.
-Can climb up into his stroller
-Loves going on bike rides
-Loves fish and really enjoyed going to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium a few weekends ago. I'm so excited to take him there over the next year since we got a membership.
-Also loves dogs (and cats, but more so dogs) He gets so excited when he sees them walking outside and instantly signs dog and makes this growling noise
-Will go to the fridge when he is hungry and say cheese.
-Has gotten really good at exploring and climbing on playgrounds
-Is wearing mostly 12 month clothes with a few 6-9 month things thrown in. All of his 18 month stuff is still way to big (mostly length wise)
-Wears a size 4 shoe
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